Sunday 2 September 2012

FILM 3 - Batman Begins

After Bruce Wayne brutally loses both of his parents, he focusses on getting revenge, however fate takes its cause and this chance gets taken away from him. He returns to Gotham City where he realises that it has become a dangerous place, full of crime and destruction. He feels as though he needs to help protect Gotham.

The typical genre conventions in Batman Begins include: 

Super abilities - Batman doesn't possess any super "powers" like most super heroes, however he does hold some special abilities and skills which make him powerful. He has the ability to intimidate those around him by being mysterious. He has the wealth as well as being brainy, which together work well to succeed as Batman.

Secret identity - Bruce Wayne keeps his identity a secret so that his enemies don't find out who he is. However, just like in numerous other superhero films, the superhero swears secrecy upon to another character, in this case, Bruce, tells only Alfred his secret.

Moral - The main moral to Batman Begins is the idea that Batman wants to use his abilities to serve some good. He wants to help to protect Gotham City in it's times of crisis.

Costume - Batman sports a well known costume for fans to recognise him by. As well of course to hide his identity in the film. He wears tight fitting, black clothing as well as a mask which covers his face. He sports a black cape as well as a utility belt containing numerous utilities which come in handy.

Headquarters - Also to keep his identity a secret, he has a headquarters hidden away.

Back story - The back story to the film, goes all the way back to when he was only a child and as he witnesses the murder of his parents.

Achilles heel - One of his weaknesses is his secret identity being revealed. He also is very protective of his family which can sometimes get in the way of his main aim.

Batman begins is rated a 12 and does contain violence, drugs, smoking and drinking scenes as well as mentions of sex. Due to this, we can tell that Batman Begins is more aimed at the teenage age and above. With the action and violence you could say that it would be more enjoyable for males, however, I don't necessarily think that it is the case. A survey on presented the findings that the main age group to watch Batman Begins was age 15-24 suggesting that the main audience is the teenage and young adults. 58% of males watched the film whilst 42% were female so there isn't too much difference within the genders.

Bruce Wayne: They told me there was nothing out there, nothing to fear. But the night my parents were murdered I caught a glimpse of something. I’ve looked for it ever since. I went around the world, searched in all the shadows. And there is something out there in the darkness, something terrifying, something that will not stop until it gets revenge… Me.

The binary oppositions within Batman Begins is the rather obvious one. We see that before Bruce Wayne becomes Batman and before his parents are murdered, he is young and innocent and seems happy, whereas afterwards he becomes more sinister and mystifying. He carries around a sense of foreboding and mystery. Also the good v's the evil. In Batman Begins, the good and evil aren't as noticeable at first as Batman himself seems to come across as quite intimidating and violent, just like his enemies. However, we soon realise that it is a part of his personality and really he is doing what he believes is right for Gotham City.

Gender reinforcements are present in Batman Begins as he does have a lover interest who doesn't get involved in the fighting and would much rather wait around to be saved and waits for Batman to fight.

There are many parts to the film which create an highly entertaining movie, for the audience. The intense violence and action scenes for one keep us gripped and create tension wanting us to keep on watching and wanting more. The gadgets used are also interesting especially the batmobile which performs some extraordinary stunts and is thrilling to watch. The whole persona of Batman himself is also somewhat entertaining as he is full of mystery from what he wears to how he combats his enemies.

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