Tuesday 4 September 2012

FILM 5 - The Dark Knight Rises

Eight year later, a new terrorist leader is on the loose, Bane. Its the Dark Knights mission to intervene and assist the police force to once again protect Gotham City.

The Dark Knight rises, follows the typical superhero conventions, including:

Ordinary person gaining powers - Wayne doesn't necessarily have any "super" powers as such. He is much weaker than he was previously as well as older. He walks with a stick which may hold him back, however, he still holds his old "Powers" of wealth and intelligence. Also, the fact that he has such high-tech gadgets helps him to gain success.

‎”This city needs Bruce Wayne, your resources, your knowledge. It doesn’t need your body, or your life. That time has passed.”
- Alfred, The Dark Knight Rises

Moral -  At first, after witnessing his parents brutal murder, he sets out to seek revenge However, on his trip to Asia, he realises that there is much more than revenge and instead set out to do some good to the City of Gotham. Throughout all the Batman films, this same moral is portrayed, which is a key moral within the film.

Financial support - Despite being wealthy, in this third film, it seems that Wayne is in debt.

Headquarters - Just like in the previous films, his headquarters is positioned under his mansion. This is where his batmobile is stationed as well as his other gadgets and costume.

Secret Identity - As he is protective over those he is close to, he continues to keep his identity a secret, so that loved ones don't come to no harm. He realises that being two supposedly different people, he can get away with a lot, as well as carrying on being himself when Batman ends.

Achilles heel - The weaknesses to Batman in this film would have to be the fact that he easily trusts people, which leads him to trouble. Selina tricks Wayne into getting captured by Bane, where he is left to have to escape.

Costume - Batman near enough looks similar to how he does in the previous Batman films. He wears a tight fitting, black costume and black cape. He also accompanies a utility belt and the bat motif on his chest.

Rogues Gallery - The enemy in The Dark Knight Rises is Bane. It is Ra al Ghul's mission to destroy Gotham and it's up to Bane to do this.

Due to the film being full of action and violence, the target audience may be more towards male teenagers. The casting and look of Cat-woman also may appeal to teenage males. It may also be targeted towards those who have enjoyed the previous Batman films however, it is easy to understand without watching previous batman films. The film is not graphically violent and blood is not shown to the extreme, but the fighting and beatings are strong and therefore can upset some people, especially those younger. The film is very dark, including several hostage situations, intense depictions of terrorism and anarchy and complete absence of law and order. These frightening and intense scenes again may not be suitable for younger viewers.

One of the main obvious binary oppositions is good V's evil. Wayne representing the good and saving Gotham from the evil, and Bane representing evil, wanting to destroy Gotham. Another binary opposition, is the weak V's the strong. Bane is powerful and strong , especially compared to Wayne, who isn't as strong as before and struggles to gain strength, having to train for weeks.

There are gender stereotypes within the film. The main characters, are male however the two female charcters, Tate and Selina, have powerful roles within the film, and play key parts.Selina is a key part within Waynes unsuccessful attempts to start with, however this changes and soon she becomes a key part within his success towards the end of the film. Tate comes across as innocent throughout the film, but it isn't before long that we realise that actually she plays a massive part in the destruction of Gotham.

The film builds up tension throughout, keeping the audience wanting more, and gripping to their seats in suspense. When Wayne is captured and has to escape we are left in suspense and rooting for Wayne to escape and get back to saving Gotham. We know however, that Wayne is weak which causes us to feel even more tension as we are unsure of what the outcome will be. The intense action and fighting scenes are another way in which the film keeps the targeted audience entertained. The film is full of action packed intense fighting  which will of course be entertaining especially the targeted male teens. Also, the female roles within the film are interesting from Tate and Selina as they play important parts in the film and keeps us in suspense, especially when we find out that Tate is actually Ra's al Ghuls daughter.

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